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How can brands make the most out of influencer marketing?

What do brands need to know before they engage with Influencer marketing?

So much…

Many commercials, even more products in.

These days we are bombarded with ads in print, tv, radio, ooh, digital and more. It’s an uphill task for a brand to grab a person’s intrigue among the thousands of commercials they are exposed to; but if you do it the right way, it’s half the battle won. More importantly, it’s not just about standing out from the crowd, it is about building that recognition, that trust, that connection with the target audiences which pays off in the long run.

Human connect…

People build trust, People make connections. Influencers have found the gap; by being the voice of the brand - rather than having the brand talk where thousands are talking, they talk to individual audiences themselves about the brand, product or service.

The Big Guys…

Numbers over interactions. Owing to their celebrity status or popularity have a huge following. They are selected by brand owners to create ogles, simply the number of impressions. They’re ideal for large-scale brand awareness and visibility. They are not successful in creating one on one relationships with the consumers.

The Small Guys…

Engagements over reach Always a better pick, because they would not have high follower counts; but the ones who are exactly the audience that the brand needs. There is a layer of Trust, when they review / suggest brands as they are selected/followed for their niche interests and content, which makes people seek them out for their expertise. This in a way drives the credibility of the brands/product/service.

How can Brands identify their Small time influencer to communicate their niche?

Value …

Explore and collaborate with influencers who have just the niche audience you need. No point communicating to followers who don’t really need or are never going to use or buy your product/service.

Engagement …

The ones who fuel conversations are the best; as a higher engagement rates gives you a sense of what the audience thinks.

Relation …

Mindless brand/service placements don’t work. Build them in the conversations, comments, and stories of the influencer to find your stance. A way in which the brand fits well and shows naturally.

Endure …

Keep it going. Don’t expect any immediate results on short trial periods. The longer the relationship the better your credibility with the audience who follows them.

These are ways in which you would constantly be seen by the audience and thereby improve brand visibility and loyalty. You just got to remember it’s not always about the number of followers.

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