Majority still read the morning paper and the newspaper inserts, still hit the targeted audience with over 90% success. You can't discard the humble newspaper which has the single largest source of spreading information. And as a marketer, you may be surprised to learn that today’s consumers still learn about the latest events, updates and openings via the traditional harbinger.
So why does do newspaper inserts work ?
- For one, they have a Wide Reach
Newspaper inserts are single sheet ads placed in the center of a newspaper. Since inserts can be added to newspapers specific to a particular geography and demography, it becomes a targeted marketing approach. These include a variety of promotional offers and new product or service announcements.
The most advantageous aspect of advertising with these inserts is that they drive consumers to take action. A recent survey conducted by MORI research found that 70% of consumers “regularly” or “occasionally” read newspaper inserts, while 60% of consumers clipped coupons from newspaper inserts and 50% purchased a product as a result of an ad.

Bridging the Online and Offline Divide
This “old school” offline tactic supports online activities. A survey conducted by Valassis found that within 30 days of viewing a newspaper insert, 30% of people went online to get more information. Newspaper inserts are also incredibly effective for retailers who want to drive foot traffic into their brick and mortar stores - for example, Real Estate project, placing an insert in the newspaper can lead to Direct Traffic i.e. Foot Falls.
In fact, a recent article in the WSJ has broken the good news that newspaper inserts drove more retail shoppers than digital ads and are, without a doubt, the most powerful tool available to marketers.
With the emergence of QR Codes, robust Web portals and personalized URLs, creating a link between print and digital has never been easier. Newspaper inserts have the ability to leverage these links and offer consumers an engaging and interactive online experience. This traditional print channel is no longer static but an opportunity to begin a two-way dialogue with interested consumers.

Effectiveness of Newspaper Inserts in your Marketing Mix
As you’ve just read, newspaper inserts generate a high response from consumers who seek these marketing messages during their shopping routine. Here are few more reasons why including inserts into your multi-channel marketing strategy can bring you a return on your investment.
Enduring Influence Digital ads are transient, they’re there one second and gone the next. Newspapers have a real lasting power in consumers’ homes much longer than most other media as they tend to stick around. This means people spend more time interacting with inserts and browsing deals and offers.
Weekend Promotions like NO Other Getting your inserts into the Saturday / Sunday paper is like getting into a Premium Yatch: You will get noticed. Expect good things from it. Imagine having consumers dynamically seeking out your ads. Newspaper inserts get noticed because they don’t blend in with the countless generic ads that all look alike. Have you ever wondered why supermarkets and big box stores have long advertised in this way?
An Audience like no other Print is not Dead. Newspapers still reach a very large audience. In fact over 80% of adults regularly or occasionally read a newspaper while north of 50% of young adults between the ages of 18 and 34 read the newspaper in print or online. Sunday is the day many, many consumers actively seek out the inserts in the paper. In fact, the NAA reported that 48 percent of adults check inserts most often on Sunday.
Welcome you to Makes Their Life Easier As a consumer. you tend to love anything that makes your life easier. Well, newspaper inserts save consumers time and money. Consumers rely on inserts when researching offers on products they are planning on buying and they enjoy browsing to discover even more options they can have.
While many CMOs have totally migrated their advertising energies to the Internet because of its cost effectiveness and reach potential, print still remains a powerful component of any ad campaign. However, numerous advertisers who recognize the potential of print are still in the dark about the advantages of newspaper inserts, of which there are many.

We recognize that each company is different and the needs of organisations would vary from company to company big or small. With this in mind, we endeavor to design our marketing campaigns to meet the needs of our clients.
We specialize in creating Newspaper Inserts and pamphlets. This is one of the most effective direct marketing tools, which exploits the newspaper's circulation. We can help you reach your target audience easily, effectively and efficiently.